There used to be a time when an average work week was 40 hours. Today, we work more hours and sleep even less. It’s a new norm that shouldn’t be. We have lost sight of what matters, like quality time and self care. How can you as an entrepreneur learn how to take your down time back without minimizing the quality you put into your work?


There are many ways to keep productive and enhance your down time. Every morning, think about three things that need to get done. Write them down in order of importance. From this task list, work through the most important first. While you’re powering through this list, make sure to keep it in front of you. This way, when distractions come your way, these tasks are in front of you acting as reminders to stay on schedule. When you’re done, throw the task list out, or check them off your productivity app. This will provide you with the satisfaction that you got the job done.


It is always good to work out a plan of action the first of the week to make sure you have time to get all of your work done. For those larger tasks, you should block time that you will not be interrupted. In addition, provide yourself with deadlines. Having a deadline, encourages you to avoid procrastinating.

Takes breaks.

Taking breaks are really important to your productivity. Studies have shown that taking routine breaks will help you focus more on your work. Whether it is a coffee break, taking a walk, or checking your social media for a brief 15 minute window, find what relaxes you for those few minutes before getting back to it.

One great suggestion for your work breaks would be a form of exercise. Exercise breeds creativity. It can also lessen stress, which can definitely be something found in the workplace. When you work out, you are always more alert; this is the ultimate necessity for becoming more productive.

Keep healthy.

Never skip a meal, especially breakfast. Food is fuel that will help you keep a clear mind. So to skip breakfast would not be a good practice in starting a productive work day. Food will also help keep you focused and intentional with your work habits. You will also want to keep water handy so that you remain hydrated.

Know when to stop.

There is such a thing as burning out. If you have scheduled certain tasks for one day and have completed your list early, end your day. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself to the point that you need time to recuperate. Besides, if you have already scheduled your work week, then you have more than enough time to get those tasks done. Be proud of your accomplishments.


Just like you schedule work, you must schedule your sleep. The issue is that the average American works more hours than they sleep, so be intentional with your bedtime. This means, plan your nightly rituals leading up to when you retire for the night. If you find that you can’t exactly sleep the hours you want, then you will want to schedule naps throughout the day. This is normally practiced throughout the world and also helps with refreshing and refocusing where needed.

If you’re looking to balance your sleep and work, be sure to prioritize all that needs to get done. Plan ahead with scheduled time to get that work done and avoid distractions. Don’t overwork yourself. Take breaks so that you will put in the same energy and focus to those tasks throughout. Your health is important and so is keeping on schedule. Don’t skip any meals and always drink water. And while you’re plugging away, understand that you need to stop before you reach your end point. At the end of the day, the entire purpose behind becoming more organized is to get your sleep in. So do it!